So first up this week is that my rule book for the Imperial Skies Kickstarter arrived.  Since my models for this Kickstarter are coming from the UK while they did a publishing run of the rule books in the US, it'll be another week or two before I see my airships.  After a fairly quick peruse through the book, I must say that I like it.  The rules are clearly explained and are similar to other ship based games.  There are plenty of graphics to demonstrate as well as a fairly extensive painting and modeling section.  I'm really looking forward to the models now to see about talking someone into trying this.
Next up while we're discussing book, is that a nice stack of BattleTech source books arrived.  I picked up this lot off a Facebook group.  A few of these are replacements for ones I no longer had and the rest are ones I've never had before.The Free Worlds League, Somerset Strikers, and the Solaris book were all interesting first time reads.
After that, the other things that came in the mail were what I needed to get to work on the 3rd Company of my Flock of Crows mercenaries.  There are 3 packs of GHQ Micro Armor M113s to use for the two mechanized infantry platoons.  There were also a Saladin pack and a Saracen pack.  These will make the quick reaction/scout lance of the 3rd Company.

I also got the 4 LAMs reprimed so they'll be ready to get painted sometime this week hopefully.
Then last of all, I THINK I've figured out the basing.  I got some autumn flocking and then did the base trim in a green.  Here's the test model and let's get some feedback from you all.  Tell me what you think because I'm on the fence with it and would love the input.
So it's been a pretty good hobby week here.  Still plenty to go in the pipeline though but I'm hoping to have all of the Flock of Crows painted over the next couple weeks.  That assumes that the basing has been worked out though.  Anyway, that's all for now and I'll see you all next time.