Not a huge amount of hobby time over the last week, though I did manage to get the Damocles painted up to the initial sealant stage prior to the application of waterslides and weathering. Almost to the finish line!

Tried to downplay the aquilas a little as broadly speaking they were vary rarely worn during the heresy, but I figured on the command tank it's not totally out of place. Tons of little rivets of course - I shudder to think how many rivets I've painted for this army already and weep to think how many more remain to be done!

In what is an entirely different kind of heresy, I picked up the new Death Masque box set and the Deathwatch codex. Before tearing into the new models I wanted to do a few test models, so I built up a trio of Space Wolf terminators (as I intend 3 5-man terminator squads) - if I muff the paint scheme it'll be okay, it's just some Space Wolves. Haha!