Today I have something really exciting to show: alternative models for Eldar Warp Spiders by Ghost Miniatures from Russia. Frankly, I have been dreaming about a remake of this aspect shrine not only for years, but decades. Literally the old models by GW were some of the first Warhammer 40k I ever got, back in second edition.

Somewhere (I actually don’t really recall where) I stumbled upon some painted Warp Spiders that looked amazing. First thing I thought was of course: Wow, thats a nice scratch build! Then I googled a bit and found the manufacturer Ghost Miniature, about whom I cannot really tell anything, since the whole website is in Russian.

But like always: the text is not too important, it’s the miniatures that count! And they are amazing. Have a look at the pictures they guys put up in their store:

The advertising picture by Ghost Miniatures.

Of course these are some nice pictures and some nicely coloured resin (that almost looks like the FW resin in terms of colour). The decision was too easy: buy a pack of Warp Spiders. About a week later a tiny tiny package from Russia arrived and they were ready to unpack. To tell the truth, the miniatures were that good that I forgot to take pictures of the sprues. The whole nerdy excitement consumed me and the first WIP picture I took was this:

Look at the crisp lines and details of this cast.

Look at the crisp lines and details of this cast.

The quality of the resin, cast and the packaging are outstanding. Here are some of the good points:

  • super-crips details, lines and edges
  • no visible mould-lines
  • resin that matches FW resin both in colour and handling
  • no found bubbles or defects (like for example the old fine cast models had)
  • different leg and arm options for dynamic posing
  • matches existing Eldar armies both in style and size

Downsides? There are actually none worth mentioning. Actually the only thing that annoys me is, that I didn’t also order an Exarch…

Of course, it would have been nice to re-design release the models by GW.  Everything about the current official models is outdated, so GW really dropped the ball here. So, it’s absolutely about time to for GW to take some action and re-do this aspect. But for the time being these alternative models will act as a fine replacement until GW has new ones.

Concerning the painting, I went for a rather unspectacular classical colour scheme in black, red and some white.

The jump generators have been given some more structure and definition.

The jump generators have been given some more structure and definition.

One can literally imagine them flickering in and out of reality.

One can literally imagine them flickering in and out of reality.

Oh, and before everyone will ask in the comment section: here is the link to Ghost Miniatures shop:

So let me hear, what you guys think about these alternative models. What’s your opinion?