I've been a little bit quiet on the blog here this summer, but I really needed to tell you all about the great NOVA Open Charitable Foundation that we have on offer this year! Raffles will be drawn on Sunday, September 4. Proceeds benefit Doctors Without Borders, The Breast Cancer Research Foundation, and The Fisher House Foundation.

NOTE: You do NOT have to be present to win. We will ship ANYWHERE in the world!

We have:

• Da Bad Moon Skwadron - 2,000+ points of airforce themed Orks (pictured above). To see more photos, click HERE, HERE, and HERE. To buy tickets, click HERE

• The Novamarines - 4,000+ points of Novamarine Space Marines (pictured above). To see more photos, click HERE. To buy tickets, click HERE

• The Mjolinar Space Marines - 4,000+ points of Dark Angel-based Space Marines (pictured above). To see more photos, click HERE. To buy tickets, click HERE

• The Soviet Tank Company - 2,000 points of Soviet tanks for Flames of War (pictured above). To see more photos, click HERE. To buy tickets, click HERE

• and The Emerald Empire - an awesome repaint of some Imperial ships from the game X-Wing (pictured above). To see more photos, click HERE. To buy tickets, click HERE