Bill Durrett's Space Wolves hack, slash and howl their way through the Orkish hordes, topple a mighty Stompa and battle the treacherous Salamander Space Marines who were in league with the greenskins.

Over to Bill...

"The Space Wolves were told of an Ork sighting in a nearby sector.

Logan decided to join Herald Deathwolf and a detachment of his Deathwolves as they went about hunt their prey.

It didn’t take them long as a large dust cloud directed them to their targets as a large group of biker boys were screening a lumbering Stompa.

The wolves wasted no time and quickly charged up the field to meet the enemy.

Little did they expect the Salamanders Space Marines to arrive from the heavens to betray them..."

1850 Space Wolves (Champions of Fenris)

Harald Deathwolf (Warlord)
Canis Wolfborn
Wolf Lord (Thunderwolf, Powerfist, Stormshield, Runic Armour)

Lone Wolf (Terminator Armour, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield)
Dreadnought (Assault Cannon, Great Wolf Claw)

Fast Attack:
Thunderwolf Cavalry (6-man, Frost Axe, 2 Frost Swords, 3 Thunder Hammers, 6 Storm Shields)

Lord of War:
Logan Grimnar (Stormrider)

Fenrisian Wolves (13 wolves)
Fenrisian Wolves (13 wolves)
Fenrisian Wolves (7 wolves)

1850 Orks / Space Marines


Zhadsnark ‘Da Rippa (Warlord)
Painboy (Bike)

Biker Boys (9-man, Nob, Power Claw)
Biker Boys (3-man, Nob, Power Claw)

Lord of War:



Tacticals (5-man, Melta, Combi Flamer)
Drop Pod
Tacticals (5-man, Melta, Combi Flamer)
Drop Pod
Tacticals (5-man, Melta, Combi Flamer)
Drop Pod


Crusader: 3 Objectives

Orks/SM win the Deployment, while Space Wolves win First Turn.

Dawn of War:

Space Wolves Turn 1:

The Wolves waste little time in charging up the field towards their enemy. Deathwolf and Canis joined with a large Wolfkin Alpha Pack. While the Wolf Lord and his Thunder Wolf Cavalry make their way towards the Stompa.

Orks/SM Turn 1

The wolves look on as the sudden contrails of Drop Pods come streaking down. Low and behold Forgefather Vulkan emerged with his Salamanders. With them now in the fray the Orks will quickly be taken care off. The Stompa breaks from its cover as its driver makes its way towards the Thunder Wolves. Without warning the Wolves would be allies guns suddenly turn on their bothers. Scores of wolves from the Alpha Pack begin to drop. The Orks probably not able to tell the different between green skin and armour also pour into the pack as mass firing from the biker boys and Zhadsnark Da Rippa. The other tactical squad and drop pod also let loose into Pack leaving only a handful behind with Canis and Deathwolf.

The Stompa lets loose with all its weapons killing a sword wielding Thunderwolf while wounding another. Its clumsy weapons even manage to scatter a blast back onto itself, taking off a hull point. The Orks ready the charge but are unable to control their beast and fail their charge while the Stompa plows into the Thunder Wolves.

The Stompa takes out another sword Thunder Wolf and wounds the Ax wielding Pack Leader. The fury unleashed by thunder hammers and Powerfist decimate the vile Ork contraption. Its blast leaving nothing behind as the Thunderwolves move on their next target as the begin to circle around the enemy.

Space Wolves Turn 2:

A Lone Wolf teleports down behind the Space Marines as the rest of the Alpha Pack and Thunder Wolves make their way the take on the Zhadsark and his biker boys as Logan pushes up the field to see what madness has come over his battle bothers to have them turn their guns on them. Both the Alpha Pack and Thunder Wolf squad charge into the biker boys but overwatch from the Ork shooting takes a heavy toll on the rest of the wolves. Canis rampages into the Orks whipping out 7 boys by himself. Zhadsnark waste no time swing his custom powerclaw and wipes outs the last wolf, Canis, and cuts through Deathwolfs storm shield slaying the Space Wolves Warlord. The Thunder Wolves seeing the fall of their commander hit back with thunder hammers and decimate the remaining boys as well as Zhasnark to claim warlord as well.

Orks /SM turn 2:

Vulkan and his squad move to confront the Lone Wolf as another drop pods lands behind Logan. A small unit of 3 biker boys makes there way on the field as well as the other tactical squad moves around to take shoots at the Thunder Wolves. A melta shoot puts a wound on Logan’s Chariot, while the rest of the shooting proves ineffective against the Lone Wolf and Thunderwolves. Vulkan charges into the Lone Wolf put fails to penetrate his armour and loss two Marines in return from the Lone Wolf Thunder Hammer.

Space Wolves turn 3:

The Thunderwolves and Wolf Lord move to engage the line of Salamanders. Logan and the Dreadnought move to the drop pod that had fallen into their lines. Logan kills off the Marines squad as the Thunderwolves chew threw the other squad and explodes their Drop Pod. In the on going combat the Lone Wolf and his thunder hammer finds its mark and slays Vulkan causing the last two marines to fall back.

Orks /SM turn 3:

The three biker boys move to meet the Thudnerwolves with their shooting dropping a thunderhammer cavalryman. The two marines rally and put shots into the Lone Wolf but his armour hold strong. The Ork boys charge into combat with the Orks power claw obliterating the wolves leaving only the Wolf Lord alive as the boys are wiped out in return.

Space Wolves Turn 4:

The Dreadnought moves to take out the drop bod in the back field as the Wolf Lord moves to destroy the now deceased Vulkan drop pod. The Lone Wolf moves to charge the last two Salamanders and makes it into close quarters. The marines make their final stand putting a wound on the Lone Wolf before they are crushed underneath his hammer while the Dreadnought and Wolf Lord both explode their drop pods leaving the field clear of all enemies.



The battle took a heavy toll on the wolves with only Logan, the Wolf Lord, a Dreadnought and the Lone Wolf remaining. The vile Ork power claws laid waste to many wolves as their storm shield could not bear their attacks. In the end what disturbed Logan most of as was the reason for his battle brothers to turn their bolters against them. Questions raced through his mind but for know he had no answer. All he could do was lick his wounds and ponder what was in store for his wolves.

- Bill Durrett