Actually it started with the mount - had the idea of a hunchback henchman with some books and stuff on the back, and the "backpack" sort of took off on it's own - cool enough. Well back to the mount then. Using a skaven body I could get the hunchbacked position, but I also wanted a tormented head, so a hood came into mind. I started by making a armature of wire and plastic rod which I shaped slightly in the top. I glued in a couple of cables from Dragon Forge design, then added a blob of greystuff and smeared it down the sides of the "head". I added a couple of lences from a marine scout's night goggles and made split in the hood down the middle. The final touch was a couple of stitches in the back and a cable for a rebreather. The rebreather was dumped again though as I did not want to make the model to busy in the front.
The mount
by Manus | Sep 11, 2016