Simon Nightingale's Space Wolves battle the frenzied hordes of the Blood God in this week's battle report.

Taking place a upon a former agri-world world now left in ruins by the demonic incursion, the Space Wolves have sent an elite force of Thunder Wolves aided by their Imperial Knight ally to deal with the murderous horde now ravaging the planet.

But will just a few brave warriors be enough to weather the fury of Khorne?

Either way, it's going to be a blood battle.

Over to Simon...

Eternal War

The Emperors Will

Space Wolves Army:

Wolf Guard Battle Leader w/ Armor of Russ, Kraken bone Sword, Fellclaw teeth
Rune Priest
Rune Priest
Iron Priest on thunderwolf
Iron Priest on thunderwolf
5 Wolf Guard terminators w/ Thunder hammer/Storm shields
3 Thunderwolf Cavalry
9 Grey Hunters w/ 1 Power fist, Drop pod
9 Grey Hunters w/ 1 Power fist, Drop pod
9 Grey Hunters w/ 1 Power fist, Drop pod

Allied Detachment:
Knight Crusader

Chaos Demonic Incursion (Khorne):

Murder Host:
Herald w/Juggernaut, The crimson Crown, Loci of Wrath
5xBlood Crushers w/ Blood Hunter
1-8x Flesh Hounds
2-8x Flesh Hounds
1-10xBlood Letters w/ Blood banner, Blood reaper, Chaos Instrument
2-10xBlood Letters w/ Blood banner, Blood reaper, Chaos Instrument
3-10xBlood Letters w/ Blood banner, Blood reaper, Chaos Instrument
4-10xBlood Letters w/ Blood banner, Blood reaper, Chaos Instrument
5-10xBlood Letters

Gorethunder Battery :
Herald on Blood Throne w/Loci of Fury
1-Skull Cannon
2-Skull Cannon
3-Skull Cannon


Khorne Daemon Incursion:
The daemons lose the roll and deploy first. The Blood Crushers, with the Herald on his juggernaut,take the left/center field while the Flesh Hounds take the front/center and right/center. Behind the Flesh Hounds are the three Skull cannons, and in the dead center of the back field, resides the Herald on a Blood Throne. The remaining 50 Blood Letters are left in reserve to deepstrike.

Space wolves:
The Knight was placed behind a large piece of terrain obscuring him from line of sight of the Skull Cannon. The Thunderwolf Cavalry, Iron Priests, and Wolf Guard Battle Leader were then placed to the far right of the field. The 2 squads of Grey Hunters, their embedded Rune Priests and the Wolf Guard terminators remained in reserves with their drop pods.

Turn 1:

Khorne Daemon Incursion:
Everything on the field advanced forward at full tilt, the Blood Crushers and Flesh Hounds ran, and the Skull Cannons and Throne of Blood rolled up behind them. The knight, being obscured by terrain was out of line of sight, leaving the two Skull cannons to the right to fire at a single Thunderwolf dealing a wound.

Space Wolves:
The Space Wolves entered the fray with a bang. The Wolf Guard terminators landed in the far right field next to the Flesh Hounds and Skull Cannon. Next, the first squad of Grey Hunters drop pod landed directly behind the Blood Crushers and they disembark. The knight then moved from behind cover to take aim at the Blood Crushers and the Thunder wolves swept around the far left side of the field taking cover behind the ruined temple. In the psychic phase the newly arrived Rune Priest managed to cast foreboding on the Grey Hunters. Then During the shooting phase the combination of bolter fire from the Grey Hunters, and the hail of shots from the Imperial
Knight sent the Blood Crushers screaming back into the warp and left the herald with 2 wounds.

Turn 2:

Khorne Daemon Incursion:
Daemons rained in from the warp in Khorne turn two. Four of the five squads of Blood Letters made it onto the field. Two popped up behind and beside of the Grey Hunter pack while the third and fourth appeared behind the Thunderwolf cavalry. The herald on the juggernaut wheeled around and faced the Grey Hunters while one unit of Flesh Hounds veered off into the newly arrived Wolf Guard terminators. The other unit of Flesh Hounds ran up the mid field looking for the Knight that was still concealed behind terrain and the Skull Cannons followed suite hoping the get line of sight to the Knight. The Blood Throne then positioned itself behind the Flesh Hounds attacking the terminators and gave them his aura of Rage (Loci of Fury). The Skull Cannons let loose a salvo of fire and killed 2 of the Thunderwolf cavalry in the shooting phase. Then came the assault phase, the Flesh Hounds made it into the Wolf Guard terminators and managed to kill 3 of the 5 while only loosing one of their own. Finally the Herald on the juggernaut charged the Grey Hunters forgetting they had foreboding up and died in a hail of bolter fire.

Space Wolves:
With another resounding boom the final drop pod arrived landing in the center back field on the daemon half of the table right next to the Blood Throne. The Knight moveded out from behind his concealing terrain and the Thunderwolves turned and prepared to charge the freshly arrived Blood Letters. Again the Rune Priest managed to get up foreboding on the first Grey Hunters squad but pearls and lost the psychic power and a wound in the process. In the shooting phase the two squads of Grey Hunters opened up on the two units of Blood Letters behind them. One of the units was completely wiped out and the other reduced to just 5 Blood Letters. The Knight opened up on the Skull Cannon squadron immobilizing one and destroying the cannon of another. The assault phase saw the Thunder wolves and all accompanying characters charge into the Blood Letters on the space wolves side of the field and managed to kill a few of them. While the Blood Letters didn’t manage a sinlge wound back they easily managed to pass their instability rolls. The Knight slammed into the the Flesh Hounds though it only managed to kill 2 of them. Lastly in the far left of the Khorne side of the field the was the combat between the second unit of Flesh Hounds and the Wolf Guard terminators. The terminators weathered all the attacks of the Flesh Hounds without a single loss and managed to send 2 more hounds back into the warp.

Turn 3:

Khorne Daemon Incursion:
Turn three saw a great blow to Khornes forces. The last ten Blood Letters landed in the back /center of the Khorne side of the field and faced the second Grey Hunter squad. The 5 Blood Letters on Khornes half of the field moved to assault the second Grey Hunters squad with the Herald on the Blood Throne moving in to support them from the other side. The rest of the turn was a pure Blood bath as the Skull Cannons cannot draw line of sight to any unit not engaged in close combat so cannot fire.. The two Blood letter units in combat with the thunder wolves manage to kill the last of the Thunderwolf cavalry but are wiped out by the counter attack of the 2 Iron Priests and the Wolf Guard Battle Leader and instability. The other 5 Blood letter unit assaulted the Grey Hunter unit and lost one to overwatch. The Blood Throne slammed in from the other side. The results of the combat leave only 3 Grey Hunters and the Rune Priest alive and all the remaining Blood Letters dead, the Blood Throne slew enough to leave him out of combat for next round. Next it was the Flesh Hounds turn to die as the Imperial knight who stomped them into oblivion while on the other side of the field the second flesh hound unit took one more casualty and killed off one more terminator.

Space Wolves:
Having Swept the field of all but the last unit of Blood Letters the Space Wolves were free to move. The Wolf Guard Battle Leader and one Iron Priest moved out to assist the Knight in killing the Skull Cannons while the second Iron Priest secured the objective on the Space Wolf side of the field. The knight moved forward preparing to charge the Skull Cannons if his fire power couldn’t end them, which coincidentally it did not. The remaining Grey Hunters of squad 2 and the still full squad 1 opened up with their bolters on the last Blood Letter unit and wiped them from the field. In the assault phase the Wolf Guard Battle Leader and Iron Priest made a long bomb charge into the Skull Cannons and combined with the might of the Imperial Knight managed to smash the Skull Cannons to pieces. In the assault with the Flesh Hounds and the Wolf Guard terminator, the terminators finally falls to the weight of the Flesh Hounds attacks.

Turn: 4

Khorne Daemon Incursion:
With just the Herald on his Blood Throne and The Flesh Hounds left the Daemons of Khorne had no hope of victory... But Khorne cares not! The Blood Throne and Flesh Hounds positioned to assault the first and second Grey Hunters squads respectively and did so. In a furious turn of assault the Flesh Hounds managed to kill one Rune Priest and all but one of the second squad of Grey Hunters. The Blood Throne, despite suffering 2 Hull Points, managed to kill the other Rune Priest and 2 Grey Hunters from the first Grey Hunters squad.

Space Wolves:
Spurred on by their success the Iron Priest, Wolf Guard Battle Leader, and Knight moved to get into the last Khorne units to help out the Grey Hunters which they did easily. The Iron Priest slammed into the side of the Blood Throne and in a challenge smashed it to scrap with his thunder hammer. The Wolf Guard Battle Leader and Knight charged into the rear of the Flesh Hounds and managed to wipe them out, though it cost the life of the last Grey Hunter of squad 2 when the Knight accidentally caught him in his stomp.


Space Wolf Victory!

Thus the day was won! The elite cadre of space wolves weathered the storm of the Daemonic Incursion of Khorne and their hordes of vile Blood Letters. The verdant garden world can now be returned to a place of peace and rest for the Heros of the Imperium and the Space Wolves can return to Fenris with tales of their great victories added to the sagas of the chapter.