It begins. The madness of of over two hundred parts made out of finicky resin. It is a bit overwhelming. So, like all huge projects, I'm going to break it down into a lot small projects. The first thirteen steps are "just" the legs. So I'll get that going. First up, the parts sort:
Keep in mind those squares on the hobbymat are 1". This is a huge kit, and we haven't gotten to the really big parts yet. That is all the parts needed for the legs. It took a few hours to trim and wash all these parts.

The legs are by far the most,...let's go with challenging, because I want to refrain from using profanity on this blog. I used plenty of colorful profanities while attempting to pose and glue the legs. They did go together eventually to my liking, mostly. The right leg has a slight tilt inwards, but the hip connector is level (yes, I used a level) and it has a very solid stance. Which is good, because it will be supporting a whole lot of weight very soon.
I'm going to pin some of the joints with 1/8" brass rod. Then black primer with a light dusting of Titanium spray paint as a base coat.

It has been a lot of work, with a little bit of blood spilled, but very enjoyable to bring such a large project together. I'm sure many new exciting pitfalls await the next stage of construction. 

Next Week: The Torso, Part One!

All Praise the Machine God
Even if it is in Resin