I was at a wedding at the weekend and the place settings were little scrabble racks with our name letters correctly arranged on each (that must have been a bitch for the waiting staff to sort out - how many times have you had that game where you're just waiting and waiting for one more E...)

Anywho, inevitably we started pratting around and rearranging into other things... rude words first, naturally, then stories round the table and so on. But my favourite has to be this one I came up with...

Now all together now for the theme tune of this mega drive classic... that tune will stick with you for days I promise...

As for hobby news, been a bit quiet of late due to the weekend away for a friends nuptuals and other personal stuff going on, although I did manage to assemble that deathwatch team. Just the razorback to go then I might try to get some pics of them before I undercoat...