Setting the towering legs aside for a bit, it's time to tackle the torso. Or Steps 14-26 as they are known as in the construction tome. Once again it was sort, trim, and wash. This time with fewer and larger parts.
I didn't get any pics during the formation of the main "box" that makes up the torso because my hands were very full and I was uttering many harsh oaths to the Machine God, Forge World, and Jeff. The fit was very tricky. I kinda needed four big parts to come together all at the same time. Oh yes, quite challenging. The main side walls had been badly warped and required trips to the boiling water to rectify. Eventually. As did the curved armor plate over the neck. After that the rest of the smaller parts was a breeze.

Do not try this at your Manufactorium without a good supply of large and small squeeze clamps on hand. And a coping saw, boiling water, band aids, and rum. Overall, the assembly went well and pretty quick. It is coming along, but so much more to be done.
Next up, Torso, arms, and armor.

The Omnissiah Knows All, Comprehends All
But Requires You to Do the Work