In this week's battle report, Jose's Space Wolves battle the personal army of Inquisitor Ximenez who has commandeered a force of Tempestus Scions, Imperial Assassins and a Baneblade super heavy battle tank.

The heroic Space Wolves are determined to bring this reckless Inquisitor to heel.

Over to Jose...

Battle Leader Egil FierceTooth rides his Thunderwolf mount to the toll of the hill to observe the troops deploying in front of him. He can see Inquisitor Ximenez and his Militarum Tempestus bodyguards taking cover on some ruins, and a huge Baneblade advancing on the left. Finally, the Inquisitor has decided to openly confront him, and the wolf smiles thinking of what is to come. Relationships between the Inquisitors and the Space Wolves have not been the best, but since Armaggeddon, they got a lot worse.

Only Logan Grimnar himself stopped Egil from ending Ximenez miserable career when he wanted to exterminate the valiant Astra Militarum guards that fought by the wolves side against the filthy Daemons of Chaos. Centuries later, Ximenez has not forgotten and his witch hunt against the Space Wolves continues. Now the Inquisitor is chasing his Wulfen comrades, accusing them of being abominations.

Egil has doubts about the Wulfen, but he knows that they are his brothers, and he can't smell any hint of corruption on them. He feels uncomfortable around them some times, but his savagery and strength is very welcome when fighting the enemies of the empire.
And today, Egil has decided that enough is enough.

Together with some of Ragnar's Wolf Guard's Thunderwolf Cavalry, he has taken the field with wulfen Squads Yger and Thron, offering themselves as bait. They have waited patiently behind a hill for the Inquisitor and his troops to reach them. hiding, but making sure that the Inquisitor can find them. Egil openly stays defiant on the hill while the squads of Scions that work for Ximenez deploy, trying to surround him and his troops.

He can also spot an Eversor Assassin coming on his direction. He is sure he is not the only one as the Inquisitors are able to request several of the members of the Oficcio Assasinorum as needed. He is not happy that the Inquisitor has decided to waste the precious Imperium resources chasing his brothers instead of fighting the many threats that the Imperium has to face.

"Ready at your order, FierceTooth" the voice of Harman, the Grey Hunter he has put on command of the rest of his troops comes in clearly through the communicator. "Launch the Drop Pods as soon as they open fire, brother. Remember they have to shoot first." Egil smiles, knowing that when his enemies attack, the jaws of the Blackmanes will close on the Inquisitor and his forces. And Ximenez won't be a problem anymore.

1850pts Space Wolves Army

Blackmanes Great Company

Wolf Guard Battle Leader:
Thunderwolf, Fangsword of the Ice Wolf, Storm Shield

4 Thunderwolf Cavalry:
4 Storm Shields, 1 Thunderhammer, 1 Wolf Claw

10 Grey Hunters:
2 Meltaguns
Close Combat Weapons
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

6 Grey Hunters:
1 Meltagun
Close Combat Weapons
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

5 Grey Hunters:
1 Meltagun
Close Combat Weapons
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

5 Grey Hunters:
1 Meltagun
Close Combat Weapons
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

5 Blood Claws:
1 Flamer
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

5 Blood Claws:
1 Flamer
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

5 Blood Claws:
1 Flamer
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

3 Long Fangs:
2 Multi-Melta
Ancient with Meltagun
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

5 Wolf Scouts:
Sniper Rifles, Camo Cloaks

Wulfen Murderpack:

5 Wulfen:
2 thunderhammer and Storm Shield, 2 Great Frost Axes, Pack Leader with Frost Claws

5 Wulfen:
2 thunderhammer and Storm Shield, 2 Great Frost Axes, Pack Leader with Frost Claws

Imperial Assassin:

1 Culexus Assassin

1850pts Inquisition Army

Combined Arms Detachment:


5 man Scions Command Squad:
Sergeant, 4 Melta guns

Bolt Pistol, Chainsword

10 man Scions Squad:
Sergeant with Power Fist, 2 Flamers

10 man Scions Squad:
Sergeant with Power Fist, 2 Melta guns

5 man Scions Command Squad:
Sergeant, 2 Plasma guns, Grav-Chutes

Heavy Bolters, Lascannon, 2 Rocket pods

Demolisher Siege Cannon, Tremor Cannon, 2 Twin Link Heavy Bolters, 2 Lascannons, 1 Heavy Stubber

Assassinorum Execution Force:

Callidus Assassin
Culexus Assassin
Eversor Assassin
Vindicare Assassin

Mission: Cleanse and Control


Wolves win the roll and deploy first, with the Thunderwolves and the Wulfen deployed very tight together behind the rocks so they can’t be seen. Then is the turn of the Inquisition. The Inquisitor and a command squad deploy in cover in ruins on the back of the field. Then the two big Scions squads deploy as close to the Wolves as they can. The Baneblade deploys on the right side of their deployment area. The Valkyrie is on reserves and transporting the command squad with Grav-Chutes.

As the Inquisition army doesn’t have pyskers, the Space Wolves' Culexus Assassin is not going to be very useful, so he deploys by an objective by the right corner, in cover by trees. The Space Wolves Scouts deploy on some trees on the left side of the board, by the Baneblade.

Then the Assassinorum team is deployed. The Vindicare is in the ruins protecting the Inquisitor. The Eversor deploys as close to the Wulfen as he can. The Culexus deploys on the far left side. The Callidus considers that the Scouts are a threat and deploys just by them.

Then the Callidus uses her re-roll and the Inquisition army steals the initiative!

Turn 1 - Inquisition
The Inquisitor army move forward as fast as they can hoping to damage the Wolves before the Drop Pods arrive. But the Space Wolves are deployed behind a big hill so they got no line of sight. The Vindicare can see the Wulfen Pack Leader and puts a wound on him with a precision shot.

The Baneblade can’t shoot at the Wulfen and Thunderwolves, so he shoots his tremor cannon against the Space Wolf Culexus Assassin and kills him thanks to instant death, giving them the First Blood. Then he shoots his heavy bolters and lass cannon to the scouts on the left flank, but causes no wounds. The Inquisitor has decided that the scouts are a threat, and the Callidus shoots at them, killing one of them.

The rest of the Scions run towards the wolves, eager to confront them, while the warlord and his unit wait patiently on the ruins, watching the battlefield.

Then the Callidus charges the scouts, killing two on close combat. The scouts remain locked in combat.

Turn 1- Space Wolves
With the sound of the skies breaking, the Space Wolves Drop Pods land on the battlefield.

One lands between the Baneblade and the scouts, with the long fangs on it trying to blow up the super heavy tank with their Meltas and multiMeltas. Another Drop Pod with a 10 man Grey Hunters squad lands on the other side of the Baneblade. Egil knows well the danger that the tank is and wants it neutralized. The other two units take land between the Scions and the unit with the Inquisitor, and the fourth squad between the ruins where the coward Inquisitor hides and the limits of the battlefield. The Inquisitor does not look happy seeing all the wolves around him.

The Blood Claws take a more direct approach as it is normal on them, and their pods drop between the Wulfen and the Scions, taking an objective and trying to get buffs from the Wulfen on turn 2. That also puts them close to the Eversor Assassin, but it is not like Blood Claws really think things through.

The Wulfen and the Thunderwolves go on the run as soon as the Drop Pods land. The Wulfen howl and go around the hill to charge the Eversor that is close to the objective. Egil feels the excitement caused by the Wulfen in his blood and leads his Thunderwolves at the double towards the Baneblade.

Immediately as they get out of the pods, the Space Wolves fire their bolters against the Scions; but while the Blood Claws act with boldness and precipitation, the veteran Grey Hunters have their priorities are clear and the Inquisitor is gunned down from two sides and half his squad annihilated. Terrified by the dead of their Leader, they run away from the wolves, leaving the Vindicare Assassin alone in the ruins to face the Space Marines. The rest of the units focus on one of the Scions units, killing seven of them.
Three Meltaguns and two multiMeltas shoot at the Baneblade from different sides, damaging the tank and destroying one of its guns. But clearly the super heavy monstrosity was still operating, so Egil gave order to the Thunderwolves and they all charged the tank. The wolf claws, frost swords and thunderhammers hit the tank, damaging it more and stunning the crew, but the tank still survived.
On the center of the battlefield, a squad of Wulfen and a squad of Blood Claws charged the Eversor, killing him; when the Assassin died, his body exploded, killing a Blood Claw and wounding a Wulfen. On the left flank, the Callidus Assassin kills 3 scouts, but the last one keeps fighting against the dangerous Assassin.

End turn 1: Inquisition 1 (First Blood) – Space Wolves 2 (Slay the Warlord, Objective 6).

Turn 2: Inquisition
The loud engines of a Valkyrie mean that the Scions get reinforcements, and a command squad of Scions Grav-Chutes to protect the flank of the Baneblade with their Plasma guns while the Valkyrie aims at the Wulfen.

The Baneblade reverses to put some distance between itself and the Thunderwolves so they can be shoot. The rest of the Scions focus on killing the Wulfen abominations.

The Scions start by shooting at the Grey Hunters that are a threat to the Baneblade, but both their Plasma guns explode killing their owners, so the rest of their fire is not very effective and only one Grey Hunter is killed.

The Baneblade shoots at the Thunderwolves, but the crew is clearly affected by the danger they are in and their shoot falls short, bounces and damages the tank, which is close to break down now. The rest of the crew focus on the long fangs with the Meltas on their side but only one is killed.

The Commissar leading the Scions barks orders to the squad that put a knee on the ground to shoot massively at the squad of Blood Claws that poses an imminent threat to them. The Blood Claws instinct makes them go to ground at the view of the supercharged laser rifles so only the slowest one gets killed when his armour can’t protect him from the energy beam that hits him in the chest.

The Vindicare shoots at the Wulfen Leader again, but the two squads of Grey Hunters that are getting ready to charge at him are affecting his aim and he misses.

Finally, the Callidus kills the last scout in close combat and moves towards the Long Fangs.

Turn 2- Space Wolves
Egil knows that, after killing the Inquisitor, the Space Wolves must leave no witnesses and orders his troops to annihilate the enemy; leading by example he closes the distance with the Baneblade.

Both squads of Wulfen approach the unit with the Commissar, the Grey Hunters encircle the ruins where the Vindicare is hiding, and the rest of the Grey Hunters manoeuvre to get as close as possible to the rest of the Scions while the Blood Claws take the objectives that their Leaders indicate.

The Command Squad and the other Scion squad are gunned down by Grey Hunters, and then the assault continues: 2 squads of Grey Hunters charge and kill the Vindicare in the ruins, the Wulfen annihilate the Scions and the Commissar, and the Thunderwolves hit the Baneblade till it breaks down completely.

After the Space Wolves savagery, only the Callidus Assassin and the Valkyrie remain at the battlefield, and both decide that is better to fight another day.

AS the Valkyrie flees the battlefield, Egil leads his Thunderwolf to the ruins where Inquisitor Ximenez was hiding, looking for his body. There are Scions dead everywhere, but after a while looking for the Inquisitor’s corpse, it is clear that he is not there.

“I swear by Russ that I saw him fall!” one of the Grey Hunters tells Egil, “I hit him in the head”.

“Smoke and trickery, son” replies Egil. “He has done this before. But he has received a lesson, and he won’t be so keen to face us in the future. If he does, we will beat him again and this time I will make sure he doesn’t escape like the coward he is. I swear it by Russ and the Allfather”.

Space Wolves WIN!