Nick speaking,

Continuing on with my board for this years Armies on Parade. I have now completed the build ready for painting. Although it took a bit of time to do, it was all pretty simple. First I got some cheap cork boards from my local DIY store. Then I cut out the cork at the back to fit around the buildings. These sections will just have sand on them to match my Fenrisian Wolf bases. I then broke up the cork and made an urban rubble section at the front of the board for the rest of the army to stand on..

Once that was all dry, I then covered the flat areas and the cracks between the cork in sand using PVA glue. All I have to do now is paint it to match my bases and I am done. Nothing too special, but considering how quickly I managed to get it done and for just the cost of some cork, I think the army is going to look great on it!

More to come soon