I got a free Stormcast Eternal with my purchase of the 'Getting Started with Warhammer age of Sigmar', which is a great publication hearkening back to GW's good old days. The thing is what to do with a single miniature if you don't play Age of Sigmar.

The obvious is to convert or kitbash it into something else. I did some research, looking at cool pictures on the web of conversions..ha-ha, and decided to add a cool sergeant/captain to my Minotaurs Army, although to be fair it will fit into my Blood Angels Army just as well.

I began by assembling the miniature (except shield arm) then proceeded to cut off the hammer, shoulder pads and arms thereafter. Next was to glue the shield to the shield-arm.

Now the best part, deciding what to add:

I chose a suitable weapon, in this case a Blood Angels sword then glued it to the weapon arm, next was a Chaos backpack (Chaos icons filed off) which looks better than the loyalist Marines because it has more height. I added two nice Minotaur shoulder pads from Forge World and a head from Puppets War. I also added a pistol, grenades and extra armour from a Terminator to the mid section. Last was to add some Brass etched bits to the shield, also from Forge World, to complete the transformation.

Some personal notes:

As mentioned earlier, I had to cut off the arms completely, then re-position with some green-stuff to be able to fit the shoulder pads so they look natural. It may have been better to use a space marine torso.

I think the proportions of the Stormcast Eternal are more realistic as the model of a space marine's legs are too short for the rest of the body.

I am looking forward to painting this miniature very much.
