Nick speaking,

I have recently been contacted by a big fan of my work after sharing my 13th Company Space Wolves painting updates here and on my YouTube Channel. Wolf-brother Methos from Frost and Fists asked if I would be willing to sign his Eye of Terror Codex for him! Having never before been asked for an autograph, I agreed, and me being me, I also offered for him to send me a mini from his Space Wolves army and I would paint it up for him...

I was very happy that Methos was up for that and so I received a model form him to paint. It's an Iron Priest on a Thunderwolf that he picked up second hand somewhere. Methos gave me full artistic licence with it, so I plan on converting it a little and wolfing it up. The 13th Co. are his favourite pack, so I think I am going to do a Wulvenkind theme on him as well! Here is the model he sent, more to come once I have some work done, but in the meantime, please check out the Frost and Fists YouTube Channel here