Sorry, sorry. Couldn't help it! Now that the majority of the army is assembled I started thinking about basing. I knew I wanted to do a mineworks sort of theme due to the aesthetic of the cult models, but wasn't able to find anything in resin that I really liked. So making my own it is - I wanted to go a little further than just the usual stones and rubble, and broke out the box of plasticard and tubing to see what I had on hand.
Found some small I-beams that I thought would make for suitable minecart track, and some thin rod that will likely be painted up as some sort of power conduit. Gives the bases a little more personality but doesn't overwhelm the models. So far so good!
Moved on to the Patriarch next, and am hoping to get the Purestrains based and get this whole batch primed later today when it warms up a bit - Itching to start painting 'em!
40k Genestealer Cult – All about that base…
by Mordian7th | Oct 16, 2016