Reinforcements have arrived, Magos! Vorax 07-2648/24.2 will be joining the Legio Cybernetica of Cyclotrathe on the battle field and build a maniple with its good old friend 07-2648/24.1. Honestly, there is not much to say about this Automata. It follows commands and dismembers the enemies of Cyclotrathe. What else would there be to know?

This Vorax Battle Automata is bearing the designation 07-2648/24.2

This Vorax Battle Automata is bearing the designation 07-2648/24.2

This one is in a rather resting stance, more like aiming its lightning gun.

This one is in a rather resting stance, more like aiming its lightning gun.

Again I featured my self-made decals of Cyclotrathe.

Again I featured my self-made decals of Cyclotrathe.

07-2648/24.1 and 07-2648/24.2 together forming the first two Automata of a maniple.

07-2648/24.1 and 07-2648/24.2 together forming the first two Automata of a maniple.