You might remember my take on Drenn Redblade some weeks ago for our planed Deathwatch Overkill event. As I’ve said back then I planed to convert my own version – Brandr Redblade – and show him in his younger days when his duty in the Watch was still to come.
And that’s what I did recently. I am in need for more Blood Claws for a planed Heralds of Ruin Kill Team match. Therefore Brandr I painted him in his freshman days before he showed a remarkable talent for the Xenoshunt and as a part of my Blood Claw pack. I used the opportunity to give all of the old Blood Claws and the Wolf Priest new 32mm bases.

Brandr Redblade in his younger days.

Brandr Redblade in his younger days.

The young and the "old" Brandr standing next to each other.

The young and the “old” Brandr standing next to each other.

Brandr's Blood Claw pack led by Bjarn Winterbane.

Brandr’s Blood Claw pack led by Bjarn Winterbane.