I always like to preserve the most amusing Amazon reviews of my work so here's a couple on my last two books.

Tabletop Wargames

Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
Written from the most narrow of perspectives, this is a great book if you love anything produced by GW, Osprey or Warlord which if wargaming were pop music would be the Spice Girls or Justin Bieber end of the spectrum of design, i.e. light and fluffy and with little worthwhile content. However, the book totally ignores whole swathes of innovative wargame design which is happening elsewhere in the hobby to much acclaim. A look beyond the Nottingham inner-circle could have been illuminating and provided contrasting opinions. Like so many rule sets of the populist genre this book promised much but ultimately lacked content.

Or how about this one for Poseidon's Warriors

By MR R W HEDGES on 20 Aug. 2016
Format: Paperback
I didn't enjoy these at all . I would say on a positive note that the artwork is amazing and will keep it just for that . However , the rules are not anything new or groundbreaking and quite child like . It would have a made a good boardgame in the old MB games style with some nice toy plastic ships . And as the above reviewer has stated the author doesn't appear to know his subject that well . Its a shame that David Manley wasn't approached to write a set for this period .

Is it any wonder writers turn to drink?
