Witness me.
The war rig uses a flickering led bundle behind the grill for engine flame-out effects.
The gigahorse is built on a motorized chassis, so it can drive around the board.
The doof wagon features a bluetooth speaker, to pump strategic clips of the Fury Road soundtrack.
Naturally, it has drummers.
And naturally, it actually shoots fire. (Be careful, kids!)
Four polecats with pivots and counterweights, that move back and forth.
A second pivot where the rider on the pole is gripping, and weighted boots, allow the rider to always hang straight down regardless of the pole's position as it swings.
Lots of GW "trukk" chassis of varying generations, combined with a variety of scale and era auto kits.
And bits.
And bobs.
A little bit of Rat Fink.
A dash of Wacky Races.
Lots of testors.
Airbrushing, oil paints, weathering pigments and did I mention testors?
There are 20 warbikes, 15 warbuggies, 9 wartrucks, and 5 battlewagons, all of which are unique.
If I'm going to die, I'm going to die historic on the fury road.