"In 1992 a group of magazine rejects were sent into limbo by a new management team for a crime they did commit.These creatures promptly escaped from the wheelie bins around the back of the Design Studio to the Old World underground. Today, still no longer wanted by the management they survive as soldiers of fortune... If you have a problem, and no-one (and we really do mean no-one) can help, and if you can find them... maybe you can hire the XWD Team."

The White 'Hannibal' Dwarf

B.O. Thrud

'Howlin' Mad' Gobbledigook
Two Face (literally) Templeton Speck

Do you like my little warband? I hope so. I planned to field them at Paul Mitchell's Oldhammer game at the Foundry last week but my hernia held me back from travelling. Despite this setback I thought I would share this photograph with you. All of these minis are old paintjobs save Gobbledigook, who is brand new. 
