With the election finally (finally!) coming around the bend, we can see Armageddon closing fast.  As such, I figured it was time to throw an End of Civilization Sale! 
From now until the end of the year (and life as we know it),
(Unless it’s already free, and a few are!)
You can find them all on Amazon and anywhere else you find books!  Try these links, and if you’re fave spot is not one of these big ones, try the Fugitive Fiction button farm or your favorite web-dimension directly.  (Be aware that some websites may be slower to catch up to the price change than others.)
All I ask in return is that you get out there and vote!  (Notice I haven’t said anything about which candidate—the way this thing is going, we’re doomed either way…)
Well, I might also ask that once you’ve read one of my books or stories, that you stop back where you found it, or on Goodreads, and leave a quick review.  Good or bad, a review would really help me out!  And other readers, too.