Andall Balogh spendsquite some time on modifying and maintaining his manual augmentics. Despite him having mechanical hands for centuries now, he still prefers his left hand to wield his power axe. This is also the reason why Archmagos Drakavac gave him the name “Balogh” which means “the left handed” in Cyclotrathian dialect.
Here is one of the many mysteries of Forge World: what exactly is this model? An Archmagos? Then the whole thing would be pretty small (compared to GW’s actual size of a Magos). But then again, the title of Makrotek is unique in the HH Books, which is why I think that this tiny fellow is indeed an Archmagos.
Model-wise he is great as usual. FW never disappoints with these characters and also this one is awesome in all its details and appearance.
To see the two squads of Thallaxii click here for Cohort I and Cohort II.