It was great to see the good folks from Happy Seppuku at Reapercon, as they were showing off their new products and designs.  Here I have some images of the 'classic' moulds, along with some peeks at the newest versions!

Here's a link to their website:

These casts were all done by rolling pink or grey extra firm sculpy over the moulds in a relatively thin sheet.  I need to do a new round of basing, so it was time to get raw building materials!!

These industrial and sci-fi versions are going to be used for more Gates of Antares bases.

This brick pattern will be excellent for both roads and as broken walls.  The idea is to create a vertical piece, and cover a portion of it with stucco paste while leaving some of the brick texture exposed.  I'm hoping to create a destroyed village wall in the process!

This pattern will be fantastic for roads in small French towns, or city sidewalks.

Here are some of those new texture stamps that Happy Seppuku was showing off at Reapercon.

I can't wait to try these guys out!!!

The latest round of baking yielded bases, sheets of texture from Happy Seppuku and even Green Stuff World.  A new roller just arrived, so stay tuned for some fun with a brand new texture!!