It’s that time of the year again! During the six years of the cinematic releases of both the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit movies my brain learned that besides Christmas the month of December belongs to Tolkien! I am really looking forward to the recently released new Hobbit Book (which I hope to find under a certain tree in a couple of days). And of course I thought it’s about time for a new project or two as the new year will be upon us soon enough, hehe.
Like a lot of other Hobbit-enthusiasts around the globe the new Dwarves hailing from the Iron Hills really got me. Therefore it’ll be Durin’s people dominating my LotR-paint schedule during the next couple of weeks. An order has been placed at Forge World’s but I gave a Grim Hammer a try first, testing a colour scheme which pleases me. I really hope that I can somehow field the Dwarves of the Iron Hills and the Grim Hammers / Warriors of Erebor under one banner but I can’t tell for sure as I had no chance to look into the book yet.

A Grim Hammer Dwarf from the Erebor.

A Grim Hammer Dwarf from the Erebor.