I had so much fun painting the original Conan model that I decided to continue through and paint all of the versions of Conan. This probably isn't the best idea as you should only be using one Conan per scenario, and I should really concentrate on some other heroes, but I wanted to paint more Conan.

I chose the next model in Conan's career path, Conan the Wanderer. This model also represents a young and inexperienced Conan, though I'm not sure what story he specifically fits. However, he is a much slimmer Conan, much more representative of how Robert E. Howard described the character.

This is one of my favorite Conan models in the game. It's simple but effective, and the slim but muscular physique really looks like Conan to me. The musculature is much more anatomically correct than the first Conan I painted, meaning that it both looks more natural and has more details to paint. Finally, the two axes remind me of my Executioners.

Once again, I spent the bulk of my time working on the skin and steel, which were painted in the same manner as the first Conan. I think they both came out nicely, despite the much more complex shapes. The axe heads were quite difficult to layer, given their many curved surfaces and very different orientations.

I wanted to add some color to this model, rather than just making everything shades of brown and grey. Therefore, I decided to make the buckler red as a nod to my Executioners. After much deliberation, I went for a dark blue skirt. I actually almost repainted it brown halfway through, but I'm happy I stuck with it. I think it really helps to break up all of the earth tones on the model without being too eye-catching.