Wait! Put down the pitchforks and torches, it's not technically another project, honest! Hah!
The main reason I chose the Imperial Fists for the Prospero plastics was primarily to give me the ability to run an allied force of Custodes - How exactly that's going to work remains to be seen within the upcoming Inferno book from Forge World, but there are some preliminary rules available to allow for test games. I started off just building a basic Custodian Guard squad, as I'm assuming they'll be the 'basic' troop type for the force - hard to go wrong with the basics!
I was pleased to see they were given a size boost over the basic marines, they are appropriately imposing! They were fun to assemble - The first five were built right out of the book, and I'm looking forward to trying some mix-and-match parts on the next five to see what sorts of alternate posing may be possible.
On to the painting! First things first the models were given a basecoat of Vallajo's Brassy Brass. This is a nice, rather opaque metallic that covers well and prevents the blotchy look a more translucent lighter gold can get painted over a black basecoat.
Next the models were given a heavy drybrush of Glorious Gold, then given an all-over wash of Reikland Fleshshade (still wet in this pic) then left to thoroughly dry overnight..
Taking the day off (Star Wars day, baby!) so this morning I was able to put in a quick session and gave the now-dried models a couple light drybrush passes with Shining Gold to bring the luster back up a bit. Next up will be a few silver highlights on the uppermost surfaces to really push the shine! Planning on getting some more work done on them today - Queuing up the Original Trilogy to run in the background, and looking forward to seeing Rogue One in the theater later on!
Heresy Era Adeptus Custodes – Custodian Guard squad begins
by Mordian7th | Dec 16, 2016