With Christmas tomorrow and with 2016 nearly over, there's still a bit of time to squeeze an update in.

Most of this month has been taken up by terminators, and lots of them. Including new kits and old repair jobs, im up to about 20 terminators. Having tested out the sekhmet conclave,  im liking the idea of an even more elite force than I'm used to. An army entirely of 2+ saves, boosted toughness and tons of ap3 appeals to my gaming style. 

The latest recruits are based on my Calth set. These have never seen a game since i bougjt them so I might as well get some use out of them with the rubrics. 

I've built them with a heavy warpflamer and hellfyre rockets. 

The rockets were made from the grenade harness, plus some combi-bolter drums. Simple but effective.

To help support the terminator's advance,  I've started to resurrect my old demos predator, which has been in a sorry state for far too long. To keep it cheap it'll only have the automation and combined bolter, focusing on light armour and acting as a support vehicle rather than a full-on battle tank. The next job is to plate up the sides, covering the sponson holes.

As well as armour, sorcerers will support the scarab occult. Using bits from the exhalted sorcerer set, half a herald and an old disc, I've built up a functional but dynamic-looking sorcerer.  

One of the legs was missing from the herald, so a robotic replacement was made using a necron leg.

And that's it for today. I hope you all have a great Christmas, and that space Santa brings many great hobby gifts.