For my final model of 2016, I painted King Conan (who is called Amra the Lion in the game for some reason, even though that is Conan's pirate alias). I believe this model represents Conan from The Phoenix on the Sword, specifically when he's defending himself from the assassins and grabs an ancient axe from the wall of his bedchamber. To reference this, I painted the axe to look old but well-cared for, accentuating the cracks molded into the blade.

The model is again pretty simple but has a great "Come and get it!" pose. I don't think the skin tone came out a nicely as my previous Conan models, but I'm not sure if that's due to some peculiarity of the muscle sculpting or some difference that snuck into my painting since I painted my streak of Conans.

Happy New Year!