Hi All,

Happy New Year readers!  DOC here with my entry to our December event and we are now into January woops!  Anyway mine is somewhat of a rush job but he is at least finished.  It also the first time in many years I have not glued sand onto a base which was a nice change!  I used vallejo black lava which is a gritty paste.  I think it has worked out well base wise.  The model itself has been painted in standard Khorne colours with a simple base, wash and single highlight method.  I used this as a getting back into hobby piece having not painted since September.

In a couple of days I will put a voting post asking for all you fine readers to vote for your favourite of all the slaughter priests.

Anyway enough chatter here are some work in progress and completed pictures.

Finished Model:

Comments are most welcome look out for the voting post in the coming days.
