As the motivation begins to kick back in I decided to crack on with the drop pods. I'd tried the Green Glaze on one of the fins to compare it with my Vallejo Angel Green, the fact was there was very little difference. It went on OK but the Angel Green was blending the Caliban and Waaargh Flesh a little better, it is a pant afterall and not a glaze.

So I upped and decided to go Angel Green all over and it was much better than the first application. So now I need to do some edge highlights and then it'll be [a whole lot of] detail work and any battle damage I decide to do.

Meanwhile Pod 2 is ready for it's Waaargh Flesh highlights, even if I do like it pretty much as is :( Still, trust in the plan.

Once pod 1 has been highlighted I'll spend my efforts bringing this pod up-to-date so they can progress together again.

I think I'm back on track again with these, I just have to ensure I don't flit to something else so that the 'fires of motivation' don't go out or 'strike while the iron is hot'. But I'm getting there and it is progress so that's a win.