One of the earliest NOCF raffles was won by a guy named Jake Schneider. Jake lives in Tasmania, so we had to send the army all the way to Tasmania, which is now our running joke about how far we'll go to get your prize to you (Tasmania is over 12,000 miles from Washington, DC).

Anyway, Jake just happens to be a digital sculptor and has his own freelance business, Dark Wolf Studio. If you want to have something digitally sculpted, contact Jake via his FB page HERE.

When he heard about the Burning Of Prospero project, he offered to sculpt us up a banner for the Thousand Sons. Of course, we said yes : )  Just last week we received two pieces from Jake, one is the Legion Vexilla you see above you, a completely new model added to the project and painted by Brian Sobb (thanks, Brian!), and below you can see a Squad Vexilla added to one of the models Brian had already painted for us.

So, thanks to Jake Schneider, a former winner of one of our armies, and to Paul Figgins at Trenchworx* for the 3D-prints, we have something else completely unique for this project.

Don't forget to grab your tickets for the Burning of Prospero raffle HERE very soon. The raffle will be drawn on February 5th!

* If you want some very cool WW1 and WW2 tanks, or have a file that needs 3D-printing, check out Trenchworx. Their printing quality is spectacular!