I had a bit of luck a few days ago, I located the missing handcrack from this model among a collection of Warhammer bric-a-brac. Truth be told, I was concerned that I had lost it during the move as this was the last model I worked on at my previous residence. 

With the missing piece in my possession, I spent the odd minute here and there this week finishing off the piece. This time was mostly spent touching up the painting on the snotlings (using this colour recipe) and sticking the tiny models onto the surface of the pump wagon. The finished result, I am sure you will agree, is great fun and easily ranks this model as amongst Warhammer's craziest moments. 

Painting wood has always been one of those bugbears all painters have for me. The finished result being either too artificial looking, or too washed out. It took me a while, and plenty of washes, to get a look I was happy with here and I think the completed effect suggests manky, half-rotten wood quite well. Just the sort of stuff snotlings would no doubt build with. 

This is, of course, the single story version. I have had be eye out for the more substantial two decker of this model for sometime but I have yet to be successful in acquiring one for a decent price. 

All in all, an iconic 'must have' Warhammer model painted, based and now part of my collection.