Magnus' Sons are here!

No, it is not Ben Kingsley!
Well, not that we are over that, here is Vhalyar's summary of the rules from the newly released "Inferno".  Honestly, this is the hottest book yet, with so much new stuff and THREE great armies (Thousand Sons, Space Wolves, Talons of the Emperor - Custodes, SIsters)


Legiones Astartes: TS
  • You must determine your Warlord first when creating an army. Warlord must be an IC with a ML of 1 or more and with the highest Ld value.
  • Access to all BRB psychic disciplines except Malefic.
  • HQ IC that are not psykers can buy ML1 + exchange power -> force weapon for 5 points
  • Each unit must select an Arcana from one of five.
  • Compulsory Troops MUST have the same Arcana as the Warlord.
  • If Arcana = Psy discipline, then  the unit can harness Warp Charges on a 3+
  • If a detachment unit suffers a wound from Perils, every unit in the force must test for pinning.
  • If every IC in the detachment are killed, all remaining units suffer -1 Ld and cannot sweep.
Cult Arcana
  • Pavoni, +1 to run and sweeping advance distances
  • Raptora, 6++ Inv or augment existing Inv save by 1 to a maximum of 3++
  • Corvidae, re-roll failed To-Hit of 1 if the unit has remained stationary in this turn's movement phase
  • Athanean, immune to Fear and gets Adamantium Will
  • Pyrae,  gain Hammer of Wrath, or if already has HoW gets a second HoW
Legion Special Doodads
  • Praetors MUST buy ML 1 up to 3, and can do the power -> force swap.
  • Veterans and Legion Termies can buy Brotherhood of Psykers ML1.
  • IC can buy Arcane Litanies to ignore their first failed Perils.
  • Aether-Fire Cannons are 36" S7 AP2 plasma cannons with Heavy 1, Blast, Soul Blaze, Gets Hot
  • Asphyx Shells get Shred. IC can buy them for bolt pistol/gun, combi-bolters. Veterans and Legion Termies can also buy them. Rotor Cannon support squads can also buy them.
Osiron Dreadnoughts
  • Any Contemptor Talon can pay for the Osiron upgrade.
  • Gain Psychic Pilot ML1. Powers are generated from Telekinesis, Telepathy, Pyromancy or Divination.
  • Gain Adamantium Will.
  • Must exchange the CCW with: Dreadnought Force Blade, Sx2 AP2 Force with inbuilt combi-bolter and Asphyx Shell
  • Same stats as a Castellax, but unless noted they lose all special rules (e.g. cortex)
  • Mauler Cannon with Asphyx Shells and Refractor Field.
  • Can replace the Mauler with an Aether-Fire Cannon.
  • As long as a LA: TS unit with at least ML1 is within 24", the unit behaves normally. Otherwise, no Charge, Run or Sweeping.
  • Can fire 3 weapons.
  • LA: TS psykers within 12" can use the Castellax to cast Witchfires and Maledictions; range and LoS measured from the Castellax.
  • If ANYONE suffers a Peril (friend or foe) within 12", do a Ld test. Failure = d6 automatic wounds, no saves of any kind. Death from this effect result in maximum reactor blast.
Sekhmet Terminators
  • Elites, 5 strong, with two wounds.
  • Can be equipped with either Tartaros or Cataphractii armor. Your choice.
  • Equipped with force weapon of your choice and combi-bolters with Asphyx shells.
  • Brotherhood of Psykers ML2.
  • Can take a Proteus DT if 5, or a Spartan if 6-10.
  • Any can replace the force weapon with a pfist PLUS a lightning claw or another pfist or a chainfist.
  • Any can buy combi-weapons and retain the Asphyx Shells.
Personal notes: The Sehkmet are absolutely ridiculous. Their cost is cheap. So cheap I am seriously wondering if someone mistyped the extra model cost.

Khenetai Ocult Blades
  • Elites, 5 strong in power armour with two force swords.
  • Brotherhood ML1.
  • If 3 or less in unit, +1A to everyone.
  • If 4-8, +1A and +1 WS
  • If 9-10, +2A and +2 WS
Ammitara Occult Intercession Cabal
  • FA scouts, 5 strong, with sniper rifles.
  • Brotherhood of Psykers ML1.
  • For every 5, one can take a meltagun or plasma gun.
  • Can have a Storm Eagle as a DT.
  • Unique psy power: Mind Killer, allows re-rolling all failed To Hit and To Wound, and attacks Ignore Cover.

And what is this?

Thanks to Vhalyar for is summary and check out Heresy30K, the # 1 forum for Horus Heresy players!

But it does look like Ben Kingsley in Ender's Game!
