The Thousand Sons' characters examined.

Here is Vhalyar's summary of the rules for Thousand Sons characters from the newly released "Inferno". 


Azhek Ahriman
  • ML4 Psyker, locked to Divination.
  • Adamantium Will, Precision Strike, IC, Marked by Dark Fates, Master of the Legion.
  • MC Force Axe, MC bolt pistol with Asphyx, Iron Halo, Arcane Litanies.
  • Warlord: Pattern of Fates. Pick up to three Troop units with the LA: TS rule to give them Scout.
  • Ahriman's Cabal: Command Squads for Ahriman must buy an upgrade to Brotherhood ML2, are locked to the Corvidae Arcana, and are locked to the Divination discipline.

Magistus Amon
  • ML3 Psyker, Divination and Telepathy.
  • Gets the Arcana of both Corvidae and Athanean.
  • Master of the Legion, Infiltrate.
  • Archeotech pistol, MC force sword, Arcane Litanies.
  • Armour of Shades: 2+ save, 4+ cover save in the open, +2 to save if in cover. Or if joined to a unit, 6+ cover save in the open, or +1 to save if in cover. Maximum 2+.
  • Dust of the Devourers: Once per game in assault, forgo attacks to deal Poison 4+), concussive, AP4 hits. Against a unit of 5 or less, d6 auto hits. Against a unit of 6 or more, 2d6 auto hits.
  • Hidden Servants & Secret Scrying: If Amon is in the detachment, can re-roll Seize the Initiative. Enemy units arriving vis Outflank cannot enter play within 24" of Amon unless coming from their own table edge, or within 12" if deep striking.
  • Warlord: Lord of Hidden Paths. Select a single non suer-heavy or Flyer. Unit must enter play from Reserve via Outflank on the turn you specify except the first. No rolling for reserve needed.

Magnus the Red
The Sorcerer of Prospero, The Crimsong King, The Logos Maxima, The Cyclopean Giant
  • Sire of the Thousand Sons: LA: TS units use Magnus' leadership for pinning, morale, and perils. All reserve rolls for your army can be re-rolled. Sekhmet and Legion Termies can be taken as a Troops choice with no Arcana requirements.
  • Arch-Sorcerer: Psyker ML 5. Harness WC on a 3+. Perils only on rolling 3 sixes or more and re-roll 1's. Randomly generate powers freely from all five BRB disciplines and Sanctic.
  • The Horned Raiment: 2+ 4++ armour. Reduce wounds from Destroyer weapons by 1.
  • Blade of Anh-Nunurta: S+2, AP1, Force, Two-Handed.
  • Psyfire Serpenta: 15" S8 AP2, Assault d3, Soul Blaze.
  • Eye of the Crimson King: No LoS requirements for psy powers: all models in range are valid targets. Additionally all psy attacks have Ignore Cover.
  • Phantasmal Aura: Attacks against Magnus or his unit have a -1 To Hit penalty. Barrage weapons add +1 to scatter distance.
  • Mind Wrath: Declare Mind Wrath when manifesting a witchfire. WC cost goes up by 2. Double listed range, and add 2d6 to the S value; if S becomes 11 or more the attack gains the Destroyer special rule.

Unique ROW: Axis of Dissolution
  • Alembic Adamant: LA: TS units within 6" of an objective auto pass pinning and morale tests.
  • Caustic of Grace: LA: TS fire overwatch at BS2.
  • Transition of Vitriol: LA:TS can re-roll to hit and to wound against units that are Falling Back.
  • Troop choices must be at maximum unit size.
  • Cannot have more vehicles with the Tank or Flyer type than you have Infantry.

Unique ROW: The Guard of the Crimson King
  • Astral Warfare: Roll 2d6 for generating warp charges at the start of the psy phase; pick the highest.
  • Wreathed in Lightning, they Rend the Veil: All terminator-equipped models, and Magnus, can deploy via Deep Strike teleportation. When they arrive they gain Fear and can re-roll failed Inv saves of 1 until the next controlling player's turn.
  • Initiates of the Scarab: Sekhmet Cabals must be taken as your compulsive troops, and more can be taken as optional troops.
  • Bidding of the Crimson King: Magnus can be taken as the compulsory HQ and does not count as a LoW.
  • The Warlord must be Ahriman, Magnus, or a ML3 Praetor. No, Amon is specifically left out.
  • Cannot have more vehicles (any) than you have units with LA: TS.
  • No allies and fortifications.

Thanks to Vhalyar for is summary and check out Heresy30K, the # 1 forum for Horus Heresy players!
