Sarissa Precisions latest terrain releases...

Triple Scale release of the awesome new Destroyed version of your Chateau kit.
Destroyed Chateau

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Destroyed Chateau

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Destroyed Chateau

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Awesome new Boromite Mining Colony for Gates of Antares coming later this month so keep any eye out for more pictures and details of this 'cutting' edge sci-fi range.
For those of you who purchased the Algoryn Drop Fortress it's time to expand it as the individual modules will be available from next week. You can add to your current Fortress or begin a new settlement with one or two modules for slow expansion.
A small release for 20mm is this version of La Belle Alliance from our Waterloo Range. Would be equally suitable for lots of different theatres as well and available now.
Congrats to voucher winner David Watson-Sparrow from the UK.

We'll email the voucher to David for use across our ranges.

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