The Angelus Seminar closed out the Horus Heresy Weekender.
I was way in the back, so thanks here to Battle Bunnies for all their photos and notes.

It's the Dark Angel and Blood Angel's time to shine. 

This completes several slots in the Horus Heresy timeline. 

The background and history of the Blood Angels and Dark Angels as well as the Dark Mechanicum. 

Night Lords will get some additional units. 

Blue bits are being addressed in this book.
The Daemons list will have additional Daemon units and other characters. 

The Horus Heresy will keep going if people keep buying them!
They are looking at expanding on some of the war bands of the Traitor Legions to show how they develop as traitors. 

15-20 books in the Horus Heresy book series. 

The loyalist Legions will change too including units and Characters. 

They can't fit White Scars in this volume, which they are sad about.  They are the next book!

Luther will be mentioned but not in this book. (His betrayal is part of The Scouring).

Dark Angels history encompasses the Rangdan xenocide and may be explored. 
Blood Angels and Dark Angels may be refined and altered. 

Some other information of the wings will be revealed. 

Assassins and agents for both sides will be added in the future. 

Reason they did the red books was to quickly update army lists like Codexs. 

The Horus Heresy is will always follow the core rule set. So it will transition with the new rule editions. 

When they get to Tallarn they will change and add to the Solar Auxilia and Cults and Militia lists. 

Dark Mechanicum will be mainly be add a Daemon to a vehicle, bind it and let's see what happens kind of thing. 

The Dark Mechanicum mess around with tech previously forbidden to them too (Xenos and dark age tech too). 

Always at the bottom of the Forge World of Sarum a possible evil lurks. . . with possible previous access to forbidden tech etc. 

Will see several narrative conflicts between BA and DA with the Dark Mechanicum. 

And Magnus the red. 

Thanks again to Drake and his Battle Bunnies for all their hard work this weekend and do follow their blog at Battle Bunnies.
