Forgive the 'look what I've got' style post, I know that they are highly irritating and appear just about everywhere (particularly Facebook) but I just opened up my new copy of this game and I am very excited. 

I was surprised just how many memories came rushing back as I lifted the cardboard lid off the 1989 edition of the game. A whirl of Christmas time, poorly sprayed undercoat and my late grandparents. And as far as I can tell, the box is complete and I spent a happy hour laying out all of the components onto my parlour table and reminiscing to myself. My seven year old was intrigued by the tiny soldiers and the tanks (far more so that with my fantasy stuff at 28mm) and has expressed an interest in trying out the game.

More pressing is the need to paint up the models to a reasonable standard and create a gaming board on which to play. A fine spring project I am sure that you will agree.
