So we've got some progress on the ComGuard force on both the miniature and fluff side of things.  The force is now part of the 7th ComGuard Division under Precentor Xavier Stoughton.  This unit is currently stationed on Galedon V in the Draconis Combine and is assigned to protect the HPG and other ComStar facilities on the planet.  It's a bit weird using 6 mech units rather than the normal 4 mech lance, and I'm still trying to figure out the Latin alphabet designation for the Level III layers when you figure in the infantry and vehicles.  But all in all, it's progressing well I think.

As to the painting, after using a test model to try black wash followed by touching up with white paint and then trying an ultra fine black modeling marker in place of the black wash .... I have discovered that I have the skill to pull off neither method on white models.  So they'll all get painted white, get a silver for the view ports, and then black to hit some of the weapon barrels and such, and that will just have to suffice.  I've got the first three Level II's through the two layers of white primer and then a layer of Vallejo White.

Level II Alpha Light
Adept Kevin Barrows
    Hussar Light Mech
    Mercury Light Mech
    Mercury Light Mech
    Mercury Light Mech
    Assassin Medium Mech
    Assassin Medium Mech

The first is a Light Scout Level II.  This is a nice fast and mobile unit made up of classic Star League Defense Force mechs.  It definitely should be able to perform it's role as scouts for the main force.  These are the first Mercurys and first Hussar that I have owned.  The Hussar blister was slightly intimidating with all the parts in it, but it went together quite easily.  I like this mix of mechs for this role and it makes a nice looking unit.
Level II Alpha Heavy
Adept Vincent Wellingsby
    Flashman Heavy Mech
    Grasshopper Heavy Mech
    Grasshopper Heavy Mech
    Grasshopper Heavy Mech
    Wolverine Medium Mech
    Wolverine Medium Mech

Next up is a striker/reaction force Level II.  All six mechs are in my list of favorites and offer good hitting power while maintaining good speed and maneuverability.  Again all are designs common to the SLDF and are what you'd expect to find in the hidden ComGuard force.
Level II Alpha Assault
Adept Carissa Allenby
    Orion Heavy Mech
    Stalker Assault Mech
    Stalker Assault Mech
    Stalker Assault Mech
    Exterminator Heavy Mech
    Exterminator Heavy Mech

This is the assault force of the unit.  It's a hard hitting force that's designed to punch through an opposing force.  Once more, common SLDF units and what you'd expect for a linebreaker force.

I also made some progress on some terrain for my BattleTech and thought I'd work it into this post as well.
The HPG Station that's been posted in this blog before.  A mix of GI Joe parts and various bits, it works well for the role I think and will give my ComGuard force something to protect.
Next is a factory complex that is numerous bits added to a switch box.  It's not the greatest but again should work well for what it represents.
Lastly we have a mix of small terrain options.  There is a small electrical station, two defense missile towers and a quartet of sensor towers or mining platforms as they could work for either depending on the map set up.  I think this gives a decent mix of terrain to work into the normal hills, forests, etc that go on the board and could lead to some interesting scenario driven games as well.

So that's it for the moment and I'll see you all next time.