Quick hit this week, major system upgrades at work over the weekend ate up a bunch of my time, but I did manage to do a little more build time for the Cybernetica (though nothing complete to snap a picture of), and did lay in the initial colors on the bases for a few of the upcoming skimmers to get a feel for the look:

Nothing too fancy, wanted something relatively neutral and medium-dark so the sandstone rubble would pop, and hopefully set off the crimson and gold of the models nicely. I'm thinking some tufts of dried grass may work well to give them just a little more visual interest - I think I'd better off avoiding my usual green mix though, want to keep an arid feel going for them. The bases are from Elrik's Hobbies - Link to the Egyptian Ruins bases!

In other exciting news, I got a little box of joy from Chessex from whom I'd ordered a mess of custom dice - Five different sets of 20, each bearing the crest of one the five cults of the Thousand Sons on the 6 face of the die. As I don't REALLY need 100 dice, I'm planning on bundling them up and handing them out to any fellow Thousand Sons players I come across at NOVA later on this year!