So the ComGuard in BattleTech, even though they use a funky 6 in a lance set-up, are a combined arms unit like the Star League Defense Force that was their predecessor.  While I have a number of tanks in the Eridani Light Horse Regiment and leftover from the same, the vast majority were created in the time between the fall of the Star League and the 3rd Succession War which is the time frame I'm building this unit for.  So with that in mind I went looking for some appropriate vehicles to use.
The first unit is a pair of Marksman Artillery Tanks, a pair of Alacorn Heavy Tanks, and then will get two bases of Mechanized Infantry.  The Marksmans provide plenty of long range artillery power while the Alacorns with their triple Gauss rifles will be murder on advancing enemy mechs.  With two mechanized platoons to screen them, it's a good force to provide supporting fire.
The second unit is a quartet of Puma Assault Tanks, which will also get two bases of Mechanized Infantry.  A PPC and 2 LRM/20s give the Puma plenty of ranged power with a pair of medium lasers and an SRM/6 for closer defense.  It even has a small laser and a flamer to deal with any pesky infantry that get past the two accompanying platoons of mechanized infantry.
Now after getting that terrain shown in the last post, I got an itch for getting some more CBT terrain.  So I hit the bits boxes and saw what I could come up with.  First up I had some old containers that ended turned into 5 storage tanks that will make a nice defense or attack objective/target.
Then I turned a couple Tau drone bodies into what will be a pair of bunkers/  Once they get flocked around, they should work quite well for that.  The last piece is going to be a small missile launch station with a comm tower and small bunker to go with the two launchers.

As far as mechs go, the Scout Level II of Hussar, triple Mercury, and dual Assassin got black paint highlights but still need to be touched up in a couple places with white and then get based.  They will hopefully make the next post.  So progress continues and I'm slowly accumulating a decent mix of BattleTech terrain.  I'll see you all next time and thanks for reading.