Ironically, as I jump ship on one project as I approach a hurdle I face a completely different hurdle on the Deathwatch that had kept me from progress - the silver left arm. So I did a few tests on some back packs. From the left was
- Bahama blue, drybrushed silver with a Bahama Blue wash
- Silver, Army Painter Strong Tone wash [Agrax equivalent]
- Gun Metal, Bahama Blue Wash
- Gun Metal, Army Painter Strong Tone wash
So I deduced a Silver base with a Bahama Blue Wash [none of the above] would potentially give me the look I was after. I added the silver and did a Runelord Brass highlight on the brass bits.
I did a rough drybrush with Valejo Shining Gold and after this hit it with a sepia Soft Tone wash.
I've been doing so much metal work recently. I wish I could either get my recipes down or accept that the metals are going to be different because despite a certain sense of success I find the metal process quite dispiriting. There's still lots to do on these, some more Warplock bronze and Gunmetal not to mention the various other projects I'm moving on with their metals too, come back Wednesday to find out.