One of the cool things about doing work for a miniatures company is, of course, being able to get your hands on minis early. This is one of those cases. I was able to get a hold of some of the lovely Shadow Caste Dragyri miniatures that surfaced for the very first time last year. These are models that I painted up pretty quickly so that we could take them to Northern Ireland to use in some Dark Age videos filmed at Beasts of War last September.

This small force is 700 points, and it wouldn't take much to bring it up to 1,000. A standard game of Dark Age is 500 points, so you have a bit of flexibility.

The Death's Device of Shadow and the Gatherer.

The Naedrae and the Keeper.

The Goliath

The Shadow Caste Dragyri have quite a few trust issues, so they don't make use of slaves like the other castes (but not because of thoughts of morality, they just don't trust them). Instead they have subverted a couple of CORE robots to use as manual labor. These include the Shadow Menials (above) and the Shadow Finder (below).