Evening All

Doc here with a showcase of my completed converted Tomb Kings / Khemri team.  They are all converted from the old GW range now out of production.  I will say this was a fun little project and I decided to complete a full 16 player roster (ever hopeful that I might get to that number).

So the rest of the post is going to be very picture heavy.....

Full team shot including converted turn, re roll and score markers

In action against skaven in my first game a 3-0 loss (eek) I will say they are a hard team to play at first

Ok so close ups

All my Lineman

Tomb Guard (yes I can start with 4 strength 5 blockers!) 

Blitz Ra's (why Ra's its a throwback to how they used to be named in a previous version of the game) 

Thro Ra's (one using the human ball and one the orc ball)

My converted counters (seemed easy to do using the bitz box)

So what do you reckon of the team comments are always welcome the base names have caused a split opinion amongst the code40k players what do you reckon needed or not?

Cheers All

DOC out......