As I ramp up for the Summer Campaign I delve deep into the box of lost toys. Behold! A full squad of Necromunda Enforcers, the last version released, not the classic I've got a huge bird on my helmet guys. I also re-discovered my Sisters of Battle, and a Escher gang. All in glorious metal.

I'd forgotten how much I hate building metal. Oh, sure nothing has the heft of a good metal miniature, but putting tiny arms and weapons on with CA glue that may or may not want to adhere...that's not part of the 'relaxing' bit of the hobby. But it is why the Emperor, in his wisdom, gave us Rum. And Band-Aids. I somehow never fail to cut myself while trimming metal.

The shotgun arms are such a bad fit on these figs, it's no wonder they weren't in print long. The Enforcers do look very nice after being coaxed together. The Escher gang were mostly one piece figures, so they went upon their bases far easier.
With the metal relics all assembled (Sisters and Inquisition had been assembled long ago) it is time to slap some paint on them. What better way to spend Friday afternoon than with an epic priming session. Grey primer for all my friends!

Next up: Time to talk about Rules.

  The Emperor Protects
5+ Save Versus X-acto Blades