Nope. Not Warhammer.

As last mentioned, I have moved rooms. In my new, larger room, I have space for a gaming table. I picked up some coffee tables that I thought would stand perfectly under said tables to increase my storage space. However, a diagonal cross strut I had forgotten was on my trestle tables screwed the pooch on that one, leaving me with four coffee tables I didn't know what to do with...

But then I had an idea...

Now for me, ideas are dangerous, as I have all the technical proficiency in diy that Jeremy Clarkson has. But I decided to give it a go anyway... what's the worst that could happen?

The flat has a very large living room, and with the departing flatmate taking some furniture with him, not all of which will be replaced, we had some space in the corner I wanted to make use of...

At this point I must admit my cutting of the wood for the base wasn't perfectly straight, and as such the whole thing isn't perfect, which is why I got the panelling cut by a professional... although now that is on a skewed frame it doesn't sit properly. It needs some cosmetic tidying, but right now I'm at the "It'll do" stage, and structurally I am quite happy with it. It may not be as neat and tidy as I'd hoped, but structurally it's more solid than I had thought I could produce!

That's a Stormtrooper decanter and a Darth Vader cookie jar on there, I am not planning to re-enact the party from the end of Jedi, but hell I suppose if I get more Trooper heads and fill them with different amounts of liquid there is potential there...

No plans for pumps I'm not a beer drinker. This is a cocktail bar. A fridge/ice bucket might be nice but I'll figure out if/how later. For now, I'm happy. With this done, I have a couple runs to the tip to do to get rid of an old couch, but then hopefully I'll be able to grab a brush and start painting again in my free time.