I think there is a saturation of Alan seds in 30k forums now. So what is an Alan seds:

When losing an argument in a 30k forum thread make up something Alan Bligh supposedly said and quote it as a fact... Alt truth amirite?!

Here's a quick list of some Alan seds I've seen this week ...

* 30k will not be affected by the new 8th edition rule set.

* 30k will be seriously overhauled by the new 8th edition rule set.

* You can shoot units embarked in transports if they're special.

* You can't shoot special units embarked in transports.

* You can't shoot units embarked in special transports but can shoot special units embarked in special transports because well they are special.

* 30k was specifically designed to play against 40k armies.

* He doesn't like Alpha Legion any more now that Alpharius is clinically dead.

* Destroyers are just fine as is... Moritat just got a new model so quityerbitchn !!

Feel free to add your own in the comments.