So its been Easter. I managed to take some time off from work last week and set about working on some things needed for the house. These are things I have been postponing for close to a year now so it was time. This meant that I did not have much time to paint anything as most my time was taken be house work. Then, just before this weekend I got an Easter egg from my wife. In it was a lot of small plastic pieces and some heart shaped chocolate. After an initial survey I concluded that Ahriman was hiding in the egg, and as I had finished most of the things with the house that I set out to do I treated myself to some hobby time over the holidays. I am not quite done with him yet as I still need to finish the flying disc, but I thought I would show some WIP pictures. I decided to do him in a similar fashion to Magnus, with the multi color metals and pastel cloak instead of the blue armor of the original. I think it turned out ok, some of the colors are not as I intended as I realized a lot of my paints as gone bad and does not behave as they should. Hopefully I can finish him in the days to come.