Well, been a bit of a lull here.  Work has hit a bit of a odd stretch so it's been a bit of an inspirational drag.  So not only haven't I gotten a game played in a while, I also haven't made any progress on the modelling front as well.  But I am on vacation starting when I get off of work Thursday evening and I have a couple short trips planned.  This should get me a reboot and we'll get cranking on some stuff again.
But all is not totally lost.  I have done a bit of work getting my Geek Shelf which is the top of my computer desk organized and all displayed out.  It's a pretty good homage to a large part of what I enjoy in the realm of geeking.  You'll find everything from Autobots to X-Wings, Adama to Vultan, Arcturan Guard to Victor (of the Doom pedigree) present including a freebie cup from the one GW Games Day I managed to attend and a signed shirt giveaway from a Twitch Channel I follow.
Also I've been playing around a bit with World of Warships.  I haven't been into my World of Tanks for a few years now but after watching a few Twitch streams of it, I wanted to try the Warships variety.  I'm still early on into having just unlocked a Level III German cruiser a few days ago.  It's the Kolberg-class that even though the game doesn't allow it, I have named the Adler.  Most of the games that I've played have been with my Level II Dresden-class cruiser that I am calling Lowe.

So that's it for now, just a short post but we'll be back into it post vacation I hope.  That's for the views and feel free to leave comments or links to pics of your own geek shelves in the replies.  See you all next time!