Hi one and all,

To follow up on last weeks post, My 3 Leviathan Dreadnoughts. to complete these I need to add some transfers, which I intend to do as a massive bulk with my other dreadnoughts and vehicles.

Up first, my all rounder, with melta and claw- I'm really happy with the pose of this one- as though he is charging into combat- the left claw is mounted further round that it should be really, but the look needed that to get the desired look. Definitely benefits from the 2 running feet.
Up next, my combat dreadnought - again the pose looks good, aimed to be in the middle of a big combat; the rules for this in CC are pretty insane, (7th ed rules) and I am looking forward to seeing how he fairs in combat.
Lastly, Mr Shooty himself, the storm cannon armed Dreadnought. Designed to let the other 2 charge forwards whilst he blasts away at everything, again the benefit of having 3 of these is to have been able to change the feet around. This dread has 2 flat feet befitting of a shooting stance.
 The 3 Dreadnoughts together on my battle board..
 The the 3 dreadnoughts with my others- a 14 strong unit...
Thanks for looking!! Cheers, Lord Halfpenny.