Word Forge Games created a miniatures game called Devils Run: Route 666 via Kickstarter some time ago which is now available to purchase normally. As well as a recent 2nd Kickstarter called Hells Highway they've also released several other expansions including many additional models and a box set called 'Reapers Revenge'. This new set falls somewhere between a starter set and an expansion as it has all the necessary bits and pieces to play a game from scratch but all these are also compatible with the core game.
Box Cover
The insert of the box also works as an extra game tile 'tunnel' section as it's marked out the same as the separate tiles.
Before we get onto the models which is I'm sure the bit you're really interested in lets look at the other necessary components to play the game.
Instruction Booklet
Here's some sample pages from the rulebook. This booklet is somewhat of an improvement over the original one as it contains rules for the larger vehicles (called Behemoths in game terms) mainly because this set includes one. These instructions also cover the new style tokens and game tile markings. It also contains a brief campaign in order to utilise the models in the set as well as a couple of intro missions.
Game Components
The game comes with double-sided board pieces, stat cards, counters, dice and the models themselves.
Board/Tile Pieces
The board pieces are made of good quality material and are double-sided to give you variety in appearance and varying 'hazards' on the road. In a significant improvement over the earlier tile sets these have coloured markings showing what counts as Debris, Wrecks and Impassable terrain which the older versions lacked.
Here's pictures of both sides of the tiles
Here's pictures of both sides of the tiles
All the necessary dice and counters are in the box as well as some clear plastic strips to put the bikes on so the stay upright on the playing area.
The counters are also much improved over earlier game versions with numbered Chassis Point tokens so you don't need to keep track of hundreds of them and Stash and Special Stash tokens with appropriate pictures on them. A welcome new addition is a selection of tokens representing debris and wrecks to add even more variety to the play area.
The counters are also much improved over earlier game versions with numbered Chassis Point tokens so you don't need to keep track of hundreds of them and Stash and Special Stash tokens with appropriate pictures on them. A welcome new addition is a selection of tokens representing debris and wrecks to add even more variety to the play area.
The Models
There are two factions in the starter box and each of these consists of a varying number of larger vehicles and three bikes of varying types.
Here's both sides of the pile of parts before assembly.
Here's both sides of the pile of parts before assembly.
The Hunters
The Hunters is the most popular TV show in history, a global phenomenon! Being a Star, even in post-apocalyptic North American, has its perks: the best wheels, weapons and all the gas you could dream of, but you will pay for it with your life.
The gang is lead by the infamous Head Hunter and has a rolling road of support cast, replaced as quickly as they appear. This is real-life bounty hunting where the only certainties are sky-high viewer numbers and...DEATH!
The Hunters is the most popular TV show in history, a global phenomenon! Being a Star, even in post-apocalyptic North American, has its perks: the best wheels, weapons and all the gas you could dream of, but you will pay for it with your life.
The gang is lead by the infamous Head Hunter and has a rolling road of support cast, replaced as quickly as they appear. This is real-life bounty hunting where the only certainties are sky-high viewer numbers and...DEATH!
The Hunters - Severos
The model consists of a single large piece to which the four large tires are added. You'll need to clean up the tyres slightly where the resin moulding piece attaches to them or you can cheat and just have the rough part touching the ground where no-one will see it...
The model consists of a single large piece to which the four large tires are added. You'll need to clean up the tyres slightly where the resin moulding piece attaches to them or you can cheat and just have the rough part touching the ground where no-one will see it...
The Hunters - The Unholy
I'm only going to post a couple of pictures of this model as it's been available separately for some time and I covered it quite thoroughly in this article here.
The Hunters - 'Escoba' Bikes
You get three of these which are in two parts (the rider is separate from the waist up). The bikes are very similar but the riders are individual in appearance.
The Questing Knights
The Questing Knights are a new faction unlocked during the most recent Kickstarter...
The Questing Knights - Fixer
This model comes in four pieces. The main vehicle is in two halves while the ram and crane are separate pieces. There wasn't a lot of resin to clear up in order to get the two vehicle halves together though it was in the two indentations and the lower meeting points which made removal a tiny bit awkward...luckily it's on the two faces you don't see once the models halves are glued together so it doesn't matter if you're a tad overzealous...
The 'Reinforced Ram' and 'Maglock' are technically vehicle upgrades so you could leave them off the model if you felt so inclined...though they're both well worth their in game cost...
This model comes in four pieces. The main vehicle is in two halves while the ram and crane are separate pieces. There wasn't a lot of resin to clear up in order to get the two vehicle halves together though it was in the two indentations and the lower meeting points which made removal a tiny bit awkward...luckily it's on the two faces you don't see once the models halves are glued together so it doesn't matter if you're a tad overzealous...
The 'Reinforced Ram' and 'Maglock' are technically vehicle upgrades so you could leave them off the model if you felt so inclined...though they're both well worth their in game cost...
The Questing Knights - 'Stallion' Bikes
You get three of these which are in two parts (the rider is separate from the waist up). The bikes are very similar but the riders are individual in appearance.
You get three of these which are in two parts (the rider is separate from the waist up). The bikes are very similar but the riders are individual in appearance.
Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.